Friday, June 18, 2010

Love Is Forever

As long as LOVE exists..Michael Joseph Jackson will NEVER be FORGOTTEN..He was a light in a world full of pain and sorrow. Love is patient, it is kind, it is compassionate, it endures all things, it is courage, it does not envy, and God is its essence. I am writing about this beautiful genius..If you would like to be part of this labor of love, please feel free to submit your own creative genius by painting or drawing Michael, or writing an essay or a poem about him..Thank You- for helping me to continue his legacy...

You can contact me via email:, on facebook, and my other this time it is still under construction)

All entries will receive a free LOVE t-shirt. An invoice of 5.00 will be sent to you for shipping and handling..

RIP King of Pop, King of Hearts, King of My HEART..I will see you in paradise..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey,while i am writing this i am listening to Michael-Best of Joy,such a beautiful song like always,thank you Michael for being yourself and for listening to your soul,you're more than music,you're infinite,so thank you,i love you