Friday, June 18, 2010

Remembering Our Messenger of LOVE

June 25, is coming up..let is remember a messenger of love and peace..and remember what he had to endure, remember his sorrow, remember his smile, and remember his joy..They tried every wicked twist and turn to dishonor him, to smear is beautiful spirit, to stop him--but did not accomplish their sick agenda; the ignorant, the ones who do not see with their hearts-only by their own bias, the ones who have intelligence-but no wisdom, the ones who have knowledge but no heart..THEY tried..and in death He is reborn, stronger than longer in body, NOW in spirit..Let us who see with our hearts, light a candle, in memory of one the greatest human beings that ever graced this planet..Until the End of Time..Centuries form now You Will Be Remember, for your Truth..RIP..God Bless The Jackson Family, his children, and to all whom had the honor of knowing him-loving him, to those who were helped by him, and to all his millions of fans..Until The End of the will never die..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello.Like you, God brought Michael in my life,and since then i am touched by his music everyday.I believe he is a great and beautiful human being,and his music is pure love and it sents a pozitive message,a true message,who calls as to be together and stop lying ,fighting,killing.We have a soul,and our soul will be our salvation.Thank You Michael Jackson for chosing to come here on this earth and and thank you for making me a better person.Your love,legacy,and spirit last forever.